I'd like to share something I hope you can relate to. It's something I deal with constantly, and I don't think I'm the only one.
It feels like a pressure or force invading every moment. It's always there, just beneath the surface.
This idea that you should always be working towards something bigger.
It's a little like ambition. A little like a hunger that never goes away.
A constant slight dissatisfaction.
Does anyone else feel this?
Sorry, that may have been a little dramatic...
I think it has everything to do with my chosen profession. I'm a self-taught software engineer.
I've learned and honed my craft over years working in the industry. Yeah, I worked hard. Often spending my spare time trying to teach myself new things, so I could be prepared for that next job.
But, damn... I was just really lucky too.
When I started my journey here, I had no idea that you could build websites or write code for a living. I literally lucked into it.
I lucked into a lucrative career with a lot of opportunity, and I did it at probably just the right time. I didn't really choose it. I don't even remember learning the basics. I'll have to tell this story another time.
But I learned so much from following other Developers on online. People who were just sharing what they've learned too. Maybe they liked helping others, or maybe they wanted to become internet-famous, or maybe they just thought it was really cool and wanted to tell everyone else about it.
It doesn't really matter anymore, but I did benefit. And constantly I still learn valuable skills for my job, for free, from the internet... all the time.
So I keep asking myself, what will I do with it?
What can I make? How can I give a little bit back?
Theres just so much potential in the web.
People have made amazing art, music, tools, apps and businesses. Some people teach, some people write, others play video games, and sometimes kids open and review toys for other kids. Most people make something.
They've touched people with their work, or made themselves lots of money, and sometimes they've changed the world for better.
And sometimes for worse.
But what have I done?
I don't know.
I've worked on some cool projects. I've made some great friends along the way.
I still keep feeling like I should be doing more.
That constant slight dissatisfaction.
I guess I'm approaching this problem like I did my career. I didn't really realize it at the time, but I just kinda started.
So thats what this site is. Just a start. I'll share what I learn along the way.
Maybe it will help you like it helped me.